Thursday, November 12, 2009

Facebook makes me smile

I will be honest, I'm really bad about checking Facebook (almost as bad as I am about writing on my blog). I even get the little alerts saying that someone's written on my wall, or wants to be my 'friend', but if it were really that important, don't you think that they would have called? And if they were really my 'friend', wouldn't we already be friends thus eliminating the need to be Facebook friends? So I rarely go on.
But I went on today.
And it made me happy.
I got to see the latest pictures of my best friend from college's kids. They're growing up so big and looked absolutely adorable sitting on the front step with her surrounded by their little carved pumpkins. K from the lake had posted her latest ultrasound pic announcing to the world that they're preggers with Baby #2 - and due about the same time as we are. My cousin A had all of her Sr. pictures up - she's so freaking fabulous, I wish I had been that cool when I was her age.
I had little notes on my wall from my friend J who I haven't talked to in ages, M wanted to know if I was coming home for Thanksgiving, H wanted to grab dinner one night in the city. Some people say that social media is harming real relationships. How can that be when after visiting my page I felt so loved?!?